
* * *
[objhol] sb. -et, =, -ene
1. пребывание
2. остановка, перерыв
3. средства к существованию
på vej til Rødby gjorde vi ophold i Nykøbing по дороге в Рёдбю мы остановились в Нюкёбинге
han tager hjem efter 3 måneders ophold i Danmark он едет домой после трёх месяцев пребывания в Дании

Danish-russian dictionary. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "ophold" в других словарях:

  • ophold — op|hold sb., et, ophold, ene, i sms. opholds , fx opholdsrum …   Dansk ordbog

  • Benjamin Musaphia — (also called Benjamin ben Immanuel Musaphia or Mussafia and Dionysius ), Jewish doctor, scholar and kabbalist, was born around 1606, probably in Spain, and died in Amsterdam, The Netherlands in 1675. Biography Musaphia married Sara Abigail da… …   Wikipedia

  • Ib Schønberg — Infobox actor name = Ib Schønberg imagesize = 200px caption = Ib Schønberg birthname = Ib Christian Albert von Cotta Schønberg birthdate = Birth date|1902|10|23 birthplace = Copenhagen, Denmark deathdate = Death date|1955|9|24 deathplace =… …   Wikipedia

  • 1977 in poetry — yearbox2 in?=in poetry in2?=in literature cp=19th century c=20th century cf=21st century yp1=1974 yp2=1975 yp3=1976 year=1977 ya1=1978 ya2=1979 ya3=1980 dp3=1940s dp2=1950s dp1=1960s d=1970s da=0 dn1=1980s dn2=1990s dn3=2000s|Events* British… …   Wikipedia

  • Lily Broberg — Infobox actor name = Lily Broberg imagesize = 180px caption = birthdate =September 19 1923 location = Aarhus, Denmark height = deathdate = death date and age|df=yes|1989|07|30|1926|09|19 deathplace = yearsactive = birthname = othername = homepage …   Wikipedia

  • Grethe Holmer — Infobox actor name = Grethe Holmer imagesize = 180px caption = birthdate =January 12 1924 location = Aarhus, Denmark height = deathdate = death date and age|df=yes|2004|10|30|1924|01|12 deathplace = yearsactive = birthname = othername = homepage …   Wikipedia

  • Preben Neergaard — Infobox actor name = Preben Neergaard imagesize = 180px caption = birthdate =May 2 1920 location = Denmark height = deathdate = death date and age|df=yes|1990|07|22|1920|05|02 deathplace = yearsactive = birthname = othername = homepage =… …   Wikipedia

  • Betty Helsengreen — Infobox actor name = Betty Helsengreen imagesize = 180px caption = birthdate =October 26 1914 location = Denmark height = deathdate = death date and age|df=yes|1956|12|29|1914|10|26 deathplace = yearsactive = birthname = othername = homepage =… …   Wikipedia

  • Else Jarlbak — Infobox actor imagesize = name = Else Jarlbak birthdate = birth date|1911|8|8 birthplace = Copenhagen, Denmark deathdate = death date and age|1963|2|16|1911|8|8 deathplace = Denmark othername = Elsie Jarlback occupation = Actor yearsactive = 1934 …   Wikipedia

  • Einar Juhl — Infobox actor imagesize = name = Einar Juhl birthdate = birth date|1896|4|8 birthplace = Denmark deathdate = death date and age|1982|6|1|1896|4|8 deathplace = Denmark othername = occupation = Actor yearsactive = 1924 1974 imdb id = 0432072Einar… …   Wikipedia

  • Preben Lerdorff Rye — Infobox actor imagesize = name = Preben Lerdorff Rye birthdate = birth date|1917|5|23 birthplace = Denmark deathdate = death date and age|1995|6|15|1917|5|23 deathplace = Denmark othername = occupation = Actor yearsactive = 1941 1989 imdb id =… …   Wikipedia

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